Classic Quiz
Quiz Cine and TV Shows

Quiz Cult TV show: La classe

69 played - 7 mths ago

Remember this daily TV entertainment... All on the board!


Question 1 / 10
This cult appointment on FR3 broadcast from 20h to 20h30 was on the small screen from :

This cult appointment on FR3 broadcast from 20h to 20h30 was on the small screen from :

Question 2 / 10
What was the original name of the show before it became la classe?

What was the original name of the show before it became la classe?

Question 3 / 10
The class kicked off with the students entering to the tune of a la queue leu leu.   Who was the interpreter?

The class kicked off with the students entering to the tune of a la queue leu leu. Who was the interpreter?

Question 4 / 10
Who was the class teacher who hosted the show and graded the students' performances?

Who was the class teacher who hosted the show and graded the students' performances?

Question 5 / 10
There was a model pupil in the class, who was a real pain in the teacher's ass. Who was he?

There was a model pupil in the class, who was a real pain in the teacher's ass. Who was he?

Question 6 / 10
Of course, there was also the student who was a regular zero-tipper and often sent to the back of the class. What was this dunce's name?

Of course, there was also the student who was a regular zero-tipper and often sent to the back of the class. What was this dunce's name?

Question 7 / 10
This emblematic pupil of the class probably had a slight penchant for the bottle... Who was he?

This emblematic pupil of the class probably had a slight penchant for the bottle... Who was he?

Question 8 / 10
The master's little darling was a pupil whose curves and outfits did not leave her male classmates unmoved. What was the name of this charming minx?

The master's little darling was a pupil whose curves and outfits did not leave her male classmates unmoved. What was the name of this charming minx?

Question 9 / 10
The next student was a bit of a zany character, known for introducing us to some of the wackiest musical instruments around. What was the name of this original?

The next student was a bit of a zany character, known for introducing us to some of the wackiest musical instruments around. What was the name of this original?

Question 10 / 10
The class also ended on a musical note with acoustic performances by :

The class also ended on a musical note with acoustic performances by :

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