Classic Quiz Classic Quiz Quiz Henri Matisse or Vincent van Gogh by Sosophiex Sosophiex 149 played - 7 mths ago You'll be given the name of a painting and asked to find its painter. You can choose between two major painters. QUIZ 12 QUESTIONS expert Paintings expert Question 1 / 12 Who painted La Joie de vivre? Henri Matisse Vincent van Gogh expert Question 2 / 12 Who painted The Sunflowers? Henri Matisse Vincent van Gogh expert Question 3 / 12 Who is the artist behind the painting Potato Eaters? Henri Matisse Vincent van Gogh expert Question 4 / 12 Who is the artist behind the painting The Green Stingray? Henri Matisse Vincent van Gogh expert Question 5 / 12 Vue de la fenetre is a painting by... Vincent van Gogh Henri Matisse expert Question 6 / 12 Champ de ble derriere l'hospice Saint-Paul avec un faucheur is a painting by... Vincent van Gogh Henri Matisse expert Question 7 / 12 What is the name of the painter who created Les Souliers? Vincent van Gogh Henri Matisse expert Question 8 / 12 What is the name of the painter to whom we owe Nu bleu (souvenir de Biskra)? Vincent van Gogh Henri Matisse expert Question 9 / 12 ... painted La Nuit etoilee . Henri Matisse Vincent van Gogh expert Question 10 / 12 ... painted La Liseuse . Henri Matisse Vincent van Gogh expert Question 11 / 12 Which of these painters painted La Tristesse du roi? Henri Matisse Vincent van Gogh expert Question 12 / 12 Which of these painters painted Le Cafe de nuit? Henri Matisse Vincent van Gogh A mistake in this Quiz ? Contact the author British painters Julien 952 played - 17 yrs ago Painting windows Julien 126 played - 7 mths ago Braids and plaits in paint Julien 129 played - 4 mths ago Yellow in painting Julien 141 played - 7 mths ago A painter and his work Julien 133 played - 2 mths ago Painting the sea Julien 147 played - 1 yr ago French painters around 1900 Aspasie 100 played - 15 yrs ago