Classic Quiz
Quiz Philosophy

Quiz Plato's stages to truth

120 played - 7 mths ago

Quiz on the steps to truth according to the allegory of the cave from Plato's "The Republic VII".


Question 1 / 7

What does seeing a shadow in the cave symbolize in the first place?

Question 2 / 7

What does Socrates' metaphor of the reflection symbolize in Plato's speech?

Question 3 / 7

What does it mean to see objects in themselves after having seen their reflection?

Question 4 / 7
What does the metaphor of contemplating celestial objects symbolize?

What does the metaphor of contemplating celestial objects symbolize?

Question 5 / 7

What, then, does the metaphor of contemplating the sun by day symbolize?

Question 6 / 7
What does Socrates mean by the metaphor of reflection on the sun?

What does Socrates mean by the metaphor of reflection on the sun?

Question 7 / 7
So what does the sun, creator of seasons and years, symbolize?

So what does the sun, creator of seasons and years, symbolize?

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