Classic Quiz
Quiz Cine and TV Shows

Quiz Star Wars (movie 1)

135 played - 3 days ago

A quiz on Star Wars Episode I.


Question 1 / 13
What happens at the beginning of the film?

What happens at the beginning of the film?

Question 2 / 13
What is Jar Jar Binks?

What is Jar Jar Binks?

Question 3 / 13

Where do those who are of the same species as Jar Jar Binks live?

Question 4 / 13
What does Jar Jar Binks say when he meets the droids?

What does Jar Jar Binks say when he meets the droids?

Question 5 / 13
Why do Qui-Gon Jinn and the others land on Tatooine?

Why do Qui-Gon Jinn and the others land on Tatooine?

Question 6 / 13
What does Anakin compare Padme to?

What does Anakin compare Padme to?

Question 7 / 13
Who is Anakin's father?

Who is Anakin's father?

Question 8 / 13
What is Anakin's level of midi-chlorians?

What is Anakin's level of midi-chlorians?

Question 9 / 13
Anakin wins the module race.

Anakin wins the module race.

Question 10 / 13
What does Queen Amidala propose to the Senate?

What does Queen Amidala propose to the Senate?

Question 11 / 13
What's special about Darth Maul's lightsaber?

What's special about Darth Maul's lightsaber?

Question 12 / 13
Who destroys the droid control ship?

Who destroys the droid control ship?

Question 13 / 13
What promise does Obi-Wan make to Qui-Gon?

What promise does Obi-Wan make to Qui-Gon?

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