Classic Quiz
Quiz General knowledge

Quiz General culture for all ages

100 played - 3 mths ago

Ten general culture questions, all themes combined


Question 1 / 10

Used by many Internet users, what does the abbreviation HTTP stand for?

Question 2 / 10

Famous painting of 4 people, including a nude woman. By which famous painter was this painting created?

Question 3 / 10
These are tiny parasitic insects found on certain plants. These insects make it possible to obtain a natural colorant.

These are tiny parasitic insects found on certain plants. These insects make it possible to obtain a natural colorant.

Question 4 / 10

What was the period of the Cold War between the USSR and the USA?

Question 5 / 10

It's a sci-fi comedy released in 2015, watched by millions of viewers. The story represents the old games of the olden days. Who is the director of this film?

Question 6 / 10
Which European countries are not obliged to accept the single European currency and the euro zone () at home for the time being; today, 19 out of 28 states have agreed to join the euro zone.

Which European countries are not obliged to accept the single European currency and the euro zone () at home for the time being; today, 19 out of 28 states have agreed to join the euro zone.

Question 7 / 10
He's known the world over for his prowess on grass, and is a multiple Wimbledon winner. What's his name?

He's known the world over for his prowess on grass, and is a multiple Wimbledon winner. What's his name?

Question 8 / 10
In what year was the Saint-Benezet bridge, known as the Pont d'Avignon, built?

In what year was the Saint-Benezet bridge, known as the Pont d'Avignon, built?

Question 9 / 10
Liberation is a daily newspaper that appears every morning. It was founded in 1973 mainly by :

Liberation is a daily newspaper that appears every morning. It was founded in 1973 mainly by :

Question 10 / 10

Which film did Thierry Fremont not star in?

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