Classic Quiz
Quiz General knowledge

Quiz Farm animals gone wild

76 played - 2 mths ago

A little quiz on the animals that inhabit our farms. History, literature, painting, geography, cinema, gastronomy and much more. So have fun.
(Some sources come from Wikipedia).


Question 1 / 17
History :
Present on the Po plain since the 6th century BC, when they founded Milan, the Gauls made an incursion to the south, sacking and setting fire to Rome. Romans took refuge in the Capitoline citadel, which the Gauls tried to take by surprise at night in 390 BC, according to Titus Livius. Which animals give the alert and temporarily save the Roman people?

History :
Present on the Po plain since the 6th century BC, when they founded Milan, the Gauls made an incursion to the south, sacking and setting fire to Rome. Romans took refuge in the Capitoline citadel, which the Gauls tried to take by surprise at night in 390 BC, according to Titus Livius. Which animals give the alert and temporarily save the Roman people?

Question 2 / 17
Literature :
In ''Roman de Renart'' which animal is Belin?

Literature :
In ''Roman de Renart'' which animal is Belin?

Question 3 / 17
''The Silence of the Lambs'' is an American crime thriller, written by Ted Tally and directed by Jonathan Demme, released in 1991. We all remember Hannibal Lecter, the eminent former psychopathic psychiatrist and cannibal played by Anthony Hopkins, but what was the name of the actress who played the new FBI recruit still a student at the academy?

''The Silence of the Lambs'' is an American crime thriller, written by Ted Tally and directed by Jonathan Demme, released in 1991. We all remember Hannibal Lecter, the eminent former psychopathic psychiatrist and cannibal played by Anthony Hopkins, but what was the name of the actress who played the new FBI recruit still a student at the academy?

Question 4 / 17

In 1968, who performed the song ''Le Petit ane gris'' ?

Question 5 / 17
Which Dutch Baroque painter painted, in 1648, this painting entitled ''A ploughman and his flock''?

Which Dutch Baroque painter painted, in 1648, this painting entitled ''A ploughman and his flock''?

Question 6 / 17
Gastronomy :
In which ancient region can you enjoy a coq au vin de Chanturgue?

Gastronomy :
In which ancient region can you enjoy a coq au vin de Chanturgue?

Question 7 / 17

Animals :
Imported from North Africa by the Greeks and Romans, who used it as an offering to the gods, guinea fowl are said to "screech" or "squawk".
that it shrieks or ...

Question 8 / 17

Cartoon :
Aglae et Sidonie is an animated series in 65 five-minute episodes, created by Andre Joanny and broadcast from February 27, 1969 on the French first channel.
What animal is Aglae?

Question 9 / 17

What is the name of the rabbit lovers' collection?

Question 10 / 17

In 1937, which writer published the novel ''L'Ane Culotte''?

Question 11 / 17
History :
During the French Revolution, until 1806, a republican calendar was established. Le Canard was the name given to the 5th day of prairial, which was the ninth month of the calendar. From what date to what date did it correspond (depending on the year)?

History :
During the French Revolution, until 1806, a republican calendar was established. Le Canard was the name given to the 5th day of prairial, which was the ninth month of the calendar. From what date to what date did it correspond (depending on the year)?

Question 12 / 17

Geography :
In which department of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region is the village of Juillac-le-Coq, population 650, located? (Photo: the village church christened Saint-Martin).

Question 13 / 17
Gastronomy :
Which of these three cheeses is made from sheep's milk?

Gastronomy :
Which of these three cheeses is made from sheep's milk?

Question 14 / 17
Which of these three constellations does not (or no longer) exist?

Which of these three constellations does not (or no longer) exist?

Question 15 / 17

Born on April 7, 1980 and died on January 12, 2013, four-time winner of the Prix d'Amerique, Ourasi was voted best trotter of all time by the newspaper ''L'Equipe'' in 2006. What was his nickname?

Question 16 / 17

Animals :
Among these three breeds of hens, identify the Rennes Cuckoo?

Question 17 / 17

And finally a little quote.
Which humorist uttered this sentence: ''Animals are less intolerant than we are: a starving pig will eat Muslims''?

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