Classic Quiz Classic Quiz Quiz America North and South History by Jmathis Jmathis 152 played - 13 yrs ago 5th Grade - North and South History Test QUIZ 30 QUESTIONS medium America medium Question 1 / 30 What was life like for the Southerners? Southerners worked in factoriesSoutherners lived in large towns and citiesSoutherners lived and worked on farms in small towns medium Question 2 / 30 What was life like for the Northerners? Northerners lived and worked on farmsNortherners worked in factories and lived in large towns and citiesNortherners lived in small towns and cities medium Question 3 / 30 What is a sectionalism? A loyalty to a section or part of the country rather than to the whole countryA loyalty to the whole countryNot loyal to the country expert Question 4 / 30 Most Northerners still lived on farms TrueFalseNortherners lived in cities medium Question 5 / 30 Nine of the ten largest cities, in 1860 were in the South TrueFalseThere were no cities in 1860 medium Question 6 / 30 Goals of factory owners and workers were different from the plantation owners and farmers in the South TrueFalseThey all got along and had the same goals medium Question 7 / 30 Northern states wanted higher tariffs, or taxes and higher prices and Southern states wanted lower on imported goods TrueFalseThey didn't care hard Question 8 / 30 In the Dred Scott case, the Supreme Court ruled that slaves Were not citizens and had no rights, even in free statesWere citizens and had rights in free statesWere not citizens and had no rights unless they were in free states medium Question 9 / 30 A loyalty to a section or part of the country rather than to the whole country? TariffLawSectionalism hard Question 10 / 30 By 1850 Slavery was allowed in the Northern statesSouthern statesAll of the US hard Question 11 / 30 Congress voted to lower the tariff on imports, which angered many NorthernersSouthernersNortherners and Southerners hard Question 12 / 30 The number of enslaved African Americans in the US reached almost 2, 000 (two thousand)100, 000 (hundred thousand)4, 000, 000 (four million) medium Question 13 / 30 Slave codes are Codes that the slaves used to talk to each otherLaws to control the behavior of slaves, also made life difficult for themCodes that the slave orders used to talk to the slaves medium Question 14 / 30 What is the Missouri Compromise? New states north of the line would be free states. New states south of the line could allow slaveryAll new states would be free statesAll new states would be slave states hard Question 15 / 30 African Americans resisted slavery, but all of the following except? Breaking rules, by learning to read & writeWorked slowly, pretend to be sick and broke toolsObey the owner medium Question 16 / 30 Who is Nat Turner? Turner was slave that was set freeIn 1831, Turner and his followers killed about 60 whites in VATurner led an underground railroad hard Question 17 / 30 Who was the farmer from West Africa that seized the Spanish slave ship? Joseph CinqueNat TurnerHarriet Tubman medium Question 18 / 30 What was the name of the ship? CoffinTitanicAmistad expert Question 19 / 30 What was the Supreme Court decision regarding the ship, the Africans and Spanish? Free the AfricansSend the Africans to SpainPut the Africans in prison medium Question 20 / 30 What is the Fugitive Slave Law? Slaves were allowed to stay in the North with freedomEscaped slaves had to be returned to their owners, even if they had reached Northern states wehre slavery was not allowedSlaves in the North was free to travel to the South medium Question 21 / 30 What was the Underground Railroad? An organized, secret system set up to help enslaved people escape from the South to freedom in the North or CanadaA train that took slaves from the south to the north for freedomA underground tunnel that blacks were free to take for freedom medium Question 22 / 30 What is an Underground Railroad conductor? The guides, or people who helped those escapingIn charge of the train that slaves road to the north to freedomConducted the whites on how to set slaves free medium Question 23 / 30 Who is Jefferson Davis? A former US senator from Mississippi that was the President of the USA former US senator from Mississippi that was the President of the ConfederacyA former US senator from Mississippi that was the President of the Union hard Question 24 / 30 Who was the most famous conductor? Levi CoffinCatherine CoffinHarriet Tubman hard Question 25 / 30 Who is Levi Coffin? A black man that was a conductor on the underground railroadA white man that was a conductor on the underground railroadA black woman that was a conductor on the underground railroad medium Question 26 / 30 What is secede? To break away from the USTo be the first state in the confederacyTo be the last state in the confederacy hard Question 27 / 30 What is a civil war? War between the north and southWar between people of differnce countriesWar between people of the same country hard Question 28 / 30 What are border states? Located between the Union and ConfederacyLocated between the North and the SouthSlave states bording each other hard Question 29 / 30 What was the first state that seceded? South CarolinaGeorgiaNorth Carolina hard Question 30 / 30 What begain the Civil War? Union troops forces fired on US troop at Fort Sumter, SCConfederate forces fired on US troops at Fort Sumter, SCConfederacy and Union troops disagreed on slavery A mistake in this Quiz ? Contact the author The Mayflower JOB02 209 played - 16 yrs ago 2024 recap Julien 149 played - 2 mths ago Unknown historical dates Julien 143 played - 8 mths ago The abolition of slavery Julien 112 played - 1 yr ago History of the world Julien 120 played - 1 yr ago Events of the Berlin Airlift Hxd0211 137 played - 11 yrs ago Churchill Celecita 138 played - 17 yrs ago