Classic Quiz Classic Quiz Quiz Social Studies Ch 9 Section 1 (6th) by Betteker Betteker 57 played - 12 yrs ago Greece and Persia QUIZ 30 QUESTIONS hard medium Question 1 / 30 Persia became an empire under : Alexander the GreatCyrus the GreatDarius the GreatCambyses the Great expert Question 2 / 30 How many times did Persians fight the Greeks in the Persian Wars? OnceTwiceThree timesToo often to count expert Question 3 / 30 (I. ) The Persian Empire was created around 550 BC and grew quickly. (II. ) The Empire grew stronger under Darius I. (III. ) Before Persia was an empire, the Persians were unorganized nomadic people. I and II are trueII and III are trueAll statements are trueNone of the above hard Question 4 / 30 Who were the Persians ruled by before Cyrus II came along? The XerxesThe MedesThe DariansThe Greeks hard Question 5 / 30 Which statement is false regarding Cyrus the Great? When Cyrus died in 529 BC, he ruled the largest empire the world had ever seen.Cyrus conquered much of SW Asia, almost all of Asia Minor, several Greek cities, Mesopotamia, and E. to the Jaxartes River. .Cyrus's victory against the Medes marked the beginning of the Persian empire.Cyrus never let the people he conquered keep their own customs and he always mistreated them. . expert Question 6 / 30 What is the current name for the Jaxartes River? EcbatanaSusaSry DaryaEuphrates expert Question 7 / 30 The Royal Road connected which two cities in the Persian Empire? Memphis to MesopotamiaSardis to SusaEcbatana to SusaAthens to Lydia expert Question 8 / 30 Which Persian leader conquered the most territory? The conquered territories did not rebel because he permitted them to keep their own customs. Darius IDarius IICyrus ICyrus II hard Question 9 / 30 (I. ) Cyrus's son, Cambyses expanded the Persian Empire after Cyrus died. (II. ) Cambyses conquered Egypt and added it to the empire. (III. ) A rebellion broke out in Persia and Cambyses died I and III are trueI and II are trueAll statements are trueNone of the above hard Question 10 / 30 Which statement regarding the Persian Army is false? The Immortals and calvary worked together to defeat almost any foe.The Immortals were the heart of the army.The Immortals consisted of 10, 000 soldiers.The Persian army had a calvary or a unit of soldiers that rode camels into battle while shooting arrows. hard Question 11 / 30 Regarding the military strategy of Cyrus and the Persian Army, which statement is false? The Persian calvary was regarded as powerful.The calvary would charge the enemy and shoot them with arrows while on horses.The calvary would weaken the enemy army before the Immortals attacked.Cambyses led the army as a General of Cyrus. hard Question 12 / 30 After Cambyses died, which Prince assumed the throne four years later? He killed his rivals for power and restored order to Persia by improving Persian society and expanding the empire. Cyrus IIIIDarius IXeres INone of the above hard Question 13 / 30 Which of the following improvements did Darius I fail to make? Darius organized the empire by dividing it into 20 provinces.Governors or Satraps ruled the provinces for Darius. They served as Judges and collected taxes. They also put down rebellions.Darius was known as King of Kings. Darius's officials visited each province to make sure Satraps were loyal.All statements are true. hard Question 14 / 30 How long was the Royal Road that Darius I built? (He was well known for improving Persian society by building many roads. ) 17 miles170 miles1700 milesNone of the above hard Question 15 / 30 When considering war, what does the term strategy mean? A description of the miliary force.A plan for fighting a battle or war.The use of a calvary and foot soldiers.None of the above. expert Question 16 / 30 What statement is false regarding Persian messengers? They were able to travel quickly through Persia along Persian roads.They would not be hindered by snow, rain, or heat.They used chariots to travel.Persian enemies admired these roads. hard Question 17 / 30 Darius build a new capital for the empire called ________. JerusalemIndusPersepolisSardis hard Question 18 / 30 The capital city Darius built had all of the following traits except : Beautiful works of art were found throughout the capital city.About 3, 000 carvings lined the city's walls.Statues throughout the city were glittered with gold, silver, and precious jewels.A huge golden statue of Darius sitting on top of a tree of wisdom. hard Question 19 / 30 During Darius's rule a new religion emerged? It was called _________. PersianismZoroastrianismCyrusanismNone of the above. expert Question 20 / 30 What did the popular religion that remained for centuries in question #19 believe? One force fighting for control over the universe was good.One force fighting for control over the universe was evil.Priests urged people to help the good side in its struggle.All of the above expert Question 21 / 30 Regarding Darius's empire, which statement is false? In the East, he conquered the entire Indus Valley.He also tried to expand the empire West into Europe.In 499 BC several Greek cities in Asia Minor rebelled against Persian rule.Darius invaded Scotland and angered the Greek people. hard Question 22 / 30 (I. ) Nine years after the Greek cities rebelled, Darius invaded Greece. (II. ) He and his army sailed into Persepolis. (III. ) Darius began a series of wars between Persia and Greece (Persian Wars) I and II are trueI and III are trueAll are true statementsOnly one statement is true hard Question 23 / 30 Identify the false statement regarding the Persian Wars. The Athenian army had 11, 000 soldiers while the Persians had 15, 000 soldiers.The Greeks won the battle because they had better weapons.The Greeks also had more clever military leaders.Persia won the war. hard Question 24 / 30 Athletes today re-create the Greek messenger's run in a 26-mile race called : Exhaustion runRun of HeroesMarathonEndurance run medium Question 25 / 30 What was the name of Darius's son who tried to conquer Greece again ten years after the Battle of Marathon? Hermes IXerxes IDarius IIICyrus IV hard Question 26 / 30 What statement is false regarding the second invasion of Greece? Sparta, a powerful city-state in Greece joined with Athens.The Persian army and navy were used to invade Greece.The Spartans had the weakest army in Greece, so they went to fight the Persian army.Athenians sent their powerful navy to attack the Persian navy. expert Question 27 / 30 What happened at Thermopylae? To slow the Persian army, the Spartans sent 1, 400 soldiers to a narrow mountain pass.For 3 days, the small Greek force held off the Persian army. They fought to their deaths.A large Persian force attacked the Spartans from behind because a traitorous Greek soldier lead them through another pass.All Statements are true. expert Question 28 / 30 What statement is false regarding the second invasion of Greece? Persians swept into Athens after winning the battle in the mountain pass and burned the city of Athens.The Athenians (Greeks) defeated the Persian navy by leading them into the narrow Straits of Salamis.The Persians had so many ships that they couldn't steer well into the narrow strait. The smaller Athenian boats easily sank the Persian ship. sAfter the Battle of Salamis, an ary of Greek soldiers lost to the Persians at Plataea, which ended the Persian wars. hard Question 29 / 30 Where in Greece were most of the allies against the Persians located? Athens and PlataeaSparta and SalamisPeloponnesusAll of the above expert Question 30 / 30 Which statement is true? Persians left Greece after being defeated at the Battle of Salamis.Persians were humilitated at the Battle of Salamis, but it was not a major blow.The Persian empire remained strong for more than a century after the war.All statements are true. A mistake in this Quiz ? 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