Classic Quiz Classic Quiz Quiz Tell me about the Renaissance by Chloekynclova Chloekynclova 24 played - 11 yrs ago A trivia game about the Renaissance to test your knowledge. QUIZ 7 QUESTIONS hard hard Question 1 / 7 What was Andreas Vesalius' book called and what was it about? 'The Human Body'It was called 'On the Fabrics of the Human Body' and was about anatomy'Human Anatomy' expert Question 2 / 7 What famous quote did Rene Decartes create? 'It is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt as far as possible, all things. ''I think therefore I am. ''The ends justify the means. ' hard Question 3 / 7 What man did Leonardo Da Vinci make during the Renaissance? The Vintrivion ManThe Vitrivian WomanThe Vitruvian Man medium Question 4 / 7 What disease was occurring during the time of dissecting bodies? The black plagueCancerLymph disease medium Question 5 / 7 Name three organs involved in the Respiratory system : Lungs, Diaphragm, TracheaBronchi, Heart, PancreasHeart, Liver, Pancreas expert Question 6 / 7 What was Daniel's name in the interview? Austin O'brayMatt TressBobby Jones easy Question 7 / 7 Lastly, why was the Renaissance so important? Because Leonardo Da Vinci made the Mona Lisa.Because people learned about grass and molecules.Because people started to learn and discover new things about their surroudnings. A mistake in this Quiz ? Contact the author 2024 recap Julien 148 played - 2 mths ago Unknown historical dates Julien 143 played - 8 mths ago The abolition of slavery Julien 112 played - 1 yr ago History of the world Julien 120 played - 1 yr ago Events of the Berlin Airlift Hxd0211 137 played - 11 yrs ago The Mayflower JOB02 209 played - 16 yrs ago Churchill Celecita 138 played - 17 yrs ago