Classic Quiz
Quiz History

Quiz Introduction To The Bible part 1

68 played - 11 yrs ago

Introduction To The Bible part 1.


Question 1 / 30

The word Bible, derives from the Greek term : Tah-Biblio (maybe spelled wrong here). What does Tah-Biblio mean?

Question 2 / 30

How many books are in the Christian Canon of Scripture? And, what does Canon mean?

Question 3 / 30

Approximately over how many years has the Bible been written?

Question 4 / 30

1400 B. C. up to about 100 A. D. is the time period of when the Bible was written. About how many authors were involved in writing the Bible?

Question 5 / 30

The Bible is the number one book to be sold throughout the world each year. In 1453, Gutenberg invented the printing press. Since then, Approximately how many copies of the Bible have been sold since 1453? Approximately how many Bibles are sold each year?

Question 6 / 30

If you get through a seven year Bible study, what can you call yourself?

Question 7 / 30

What is the most important goal for learning the Bible?

Question 8 / 30

Who said the following quote? "Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ. "

Question 9 / 30

It wasn't until this century, that the Bible was defined.

Question 10 / 30

In A. D. 313, the emperor Constantine signs the Edict of Milon, which officially tolerated Christianity in the Roman Empire. What does Constantine end up doing later?

Question 11 / 30

In A. D. 300, about 10% of the Roman Empire said they were Christian. At this point, Christianity was considered a persecuted minority religion. About 100 years later, 90% said that they were Christian. Christianity becomes the official religion. What is true about the geography of the Roman Empire at this time? Hint : This is the land mass surrounding the Mediterranean.

Question 12 / 30

In 325, Constantine calls the Counsel of Nicaea (located in Iznic Turkey today) to talk about what they actually believe. All the church leaders of the major metropolitan areas came to this meeting. What came out of that meeting?

Question 13 / 30

A. D. 393, St. Agustine of Hippo considers 27 books out of hundreds of books. What are these 27 books considered?

Question 14 / 30

There are 39 books in the Common Canon, and 7 additional books in Septuagint Canon. The Judaism Canon had been defined in A. D. 90 by the rabbis at the Councel of Jamnia. The Bible is set in Judaism. What is Judaism also considered?

Question 15 / 30

100 of the books that didn't make it into the Old Testament is called what?

Question 16 / 30

In A. D. 397 at the Councel of Carthage, the decision was affirmed that the 27 books were part of the New Testament. Pope Innocent the First validated this decision further in what year?

Question 17 / 30

What was the language of the Old Testament?

Question 18 / 30

What was the language of the New Testament?

Question 19 / 30

What was the language both Old Testament and New Testament translated into? Who was the one primarily responsible for doing this?

Question 20 / 30

Stephen Langton who died in 1228 A. D. did what remarkable contribution to the Bible?

Question 21 / 30

Thomas Gallas (maybe spelled wrong) who died in 1246 A. D. did what remarkable contribution to the Bible?

Question 22 / 30

St. Thomas Aquinas was what?

Question 23 / 30

In 1965 (Post-Vattican II) The Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation a. k. a. "The Word of God" stresses the importance of scripture and life in the church. What is another way of saying this?

Question 24 / 30

The historical critical method and textural criticism method are used in what?

Question 25 / 30

Working backwards and finding algorithm are an example of what?

Question 26 / 30

Reconstructing ancient manuscripts based upon what exists. What is that called?

Question 27 / 30

What is Source Criticism?

Question 28 / 30

What are two other forms of criticism when analyzing the Bible?

Question 29 / 30

The literary approach we are taking in this Bible study has four principles. The first : The Bible is rooted in Geography (the land is important). What is the second?

Question 30 / 30

The main character is God, the conflict is sin and the theme redemption. What can this also be considered? This is the third principle. "The Bible is the Word of God. " This will be the fourth principle.

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