Classic Quiz Classic Quiz Quiz Who Was Abraham Lincoln? by Debsdesign Debsdesign 64 played - 11 yrs ago 3rd grade level quiz about Abraham Lincoln QUIZ 25 QUESTIONS hard medium Question 1 / 25 Abraham Lincoln was born in : IndianaIllinoisKentucky medium Question 2 / 25 When he was growing up, Abraham Lincoln lived in a : One room log cabinBrick houseTeepee hard Question 3 / 25 Abraham Lincoln went to school for a total of about : 5 years3 years1 year hard Question 4 / 25 One reason the Lincolns moved to Indiana, and eventually Illinois, was because : They had family in IllinoisKentucky was a slave state and they didn't like slaveryCrops didn't grow well in Kentucky hard Question 5 / 25 A school in which the children all say their lessons aloud at once is called a : Blab schoolSay it schoolBlurt school medium Question 6 / 25 Abraham educated himself by : Reading lots of booksTalking to a lot of peopleListening to stories hard Question 7 / 25 How did Abraham Lincoln save a boat from sinking? He pulled it ashore--he could touch the bottom of the river because he was so tall.He had everyone get all the water out using buckets.He cut a hole in the front and made the boat tip so the water ran out of the hole. medium Question 8 / 25 Lincoln knew he would be a better representative if he knew : LawMedicineHow to give good speeches hard Question 9 / 25 The first political party Lincoln belonged to was the : Democratic PartyRepublican PartyWhigs Party medium Question 10 / 25 Lincoln married Mary Todd and had 2 sons, one who died at age 34 sons, one who died at age 3, another who died at age 11, and another who died at age 18, the last living to be 82.3 sons, one who died at age 3, the other two lived a long life expert Question 11 / 25 Abraham and Mary were : Very strict with their childrenVery lenient and never disciplined their childrenStrict, but very loving with their children medium Question 12 / 25 Lincoln left politics, but came back because of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. Why did he not agree with this Act? He did not want Kansas and Nebraska to become part of the United States.He did not think the territory should be divided into two states.He did not think they should allow slavery to be legal in these states. medium Question 13 / 25 An Abolitionist is someone who : Wants to abolish alchoholWants to abolish slaveryWants to abolish smoking hard Question 14 / 25 What new political party was formed in order to fight against slavery? The Whig PartyThe Democratic PartyThe Republican Party hard Question 15 / 25 The Republican Party called Lincoln : The Rail CandidateThe Pale CandidateThe Tall Candidate medium Question 16 / 25 Lincoln grew a beard because : His son told him it would look good.His wife told him it would look sophisticated.An eleven year old girl name Grace told him it would look more Presidential. hard Question 17 / 25 As soon as Lincoln won the election, seven Southern states seceded from the Union. To secede means : To be successful at something.Withdraw from membership in a federal union.To disagree with federal law. medium Question 18 / 25 The Civil War began on April 12, 1861 at : Fort SumterFort SouthernFort Something medium Question 19 / 25 Lincoln first chose this man to lead the army (he found a better leader in Ulysses S. Grant later) : General PattonGeneral McClellanGeneral McDonald expert Question 20 / 25 The Emancipation Proclamation Ended slavery in all statesEnded slavery in the Rebel statesEnded slavery in the North medium Question 21 / 25 Lincoln gave a 2 minute speech at the dedication of a cemetery that has become one of the most important speeches in history. It is called the : Civil War SpeechDeclaration of IndependenceGettysburg Address medium Question 22 / 25 The General of the Confederate Army was : General Robert E. LeeGeneral Richard E. LeviGeneral Robert E. Levy medium Question 23 / 25 When Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox, Virginia, the Confederate soldiers were : Treated harshly and were given no food.Treated kindly and given food and were allowed to keep their horses.Treated as prisoners of war and sent to jail. medium Question 24 / 25 President Lincoln was shot and killed by : John Taylor ThomasJohn Walks ToothJohn Wilkes Booth medium Question 25 / 25 On what currency can you find Abraham Lincoln? The penny and the five dollar bill.The penny and the twenty dollar bill.The nickel and the five dollar bill. A mistake in this Quiz ? Contact the author 2024 recap Julien 148 played - 2 mths ago Unknown historical dates Julien 143 played - 8 mths ago The abolition of slavery Julien 112 played - 1 yr ago History of the world Julien 120 played - 1 yr ago Events of the Berlin Airlift Hxd0211 137 played - 11 yrs ago The Mayflower JOB02 209 played - 16 yrs ago Churchill Celecita 138 played - 17 yrs ago