Classic Quiz Classic Quiz Quiz American Government Power & Purpose by Emmillinnee Emmillinnee 26 played - 11 yrs ago A quiz for 2nd Test of the PHC Prep Government AP Course QUIZ 22 QUESTIONS medium America medium Question 1 / 22 What is Public Opinion and one example of importance? The social institutions, including families and schools, that help shape individuals' basic political beliefs and values. These are organizations that pervade our life when we are infants, and influence how we think and see political policies.Citizens' attitudes about political issues, leaders, institutions, and events. It refers to the whole instead of individuals. The public is treated as if it is a thinking, rational organism.The induction of individuals into the political culture; the process of learning the underlying beliefs and values on which the political system is based. Information, education, context, and social pressure all play a big role in influencing our opiThe power of the media to influence how events and issues are interpreted. If the media were to cover only murders for example and continuously broadcast it, then people would feel more vulnerable and think it happens more than it actually does. medium Question 2 / 22 What are Agents of Socialization? What is the significance? The induction of individuals into the political culture; the process of learning the underlying beliefs and values on which the political system is based. Information, education, context, and social pressure all play a big role in influencing our opiAn attitude or view that is especially important to the individual holding it. A misguided view of this can cause huge problems especially to candidates running for office.Citizens' attitudes about political issues, leaders, institutions, and events. It refers to the whole instead of individuals. The public is treated as if it is a thinking, rational organism.The social institutions, including families and schools, that help shape individuals' basic political beliefs and values. These are organizations that pervade our life when we are infants, and influence how we think and see political policies. medium Question 3 / 22 What is Political Socialization? What is its significance? The induction of individuals into the political culture; the process of learning the underlying beliefs and values on which the political system is based. Information, education, context, and social pressure all play a big role in influencing our opiA shift in electoral support to the candidate whom public-opinion polls report as the front-runner. This shows heavy dependence on public opinion polls. If a candidate has high ratings then it will be easier to raise funds meaning more TV and ad timeAn electoral format that presents the names of all the candidates for any given office on the same ballot. Introduced at the end of the 18th century, it replaced the partisan ballot and facilitated split-ticket voting. private voting. splits parties.The power of the media to influence how events and issues are interpreted. If the media were to cover only murders for example and continuously broadcast it, then people would feel more vulnerable and think it happens more than it actually does. medium Question 4 / 22 What is Framing? What is its significance? Citizens' attitudes about political issues, leaders, institutions, and events. It refers to the whole instead of individuals. The public is treated as if it is a thinking, rational organism.An electoral format that presents the names of all the candidates for any given office on the same ballot. Introduced at the end of the 18th century, it replaced the partisan ballot and facilitated split-ticket voting. private voting. splits parties.The induction of individuals into the political culture; the process of learning the underlying beliefs and values on which the political system is based. Information, education, context, and social pressure all play a big role in influencing our opiThe power of the media to influence how events and issues are interpreted. If the media were to cover only murders for example and continuously broadcast it, then people would feel more vulnerable and think it happens more than it actually does. medium Question 5 / 22 What is Salient Interest? Why is it important? An electoral format that presents the names of all the candidates for any given office on the same ballot. Introduced at the end of the 18th century, it replaced the partisan ballot and facilitated split-ticket voting. private voting. splits parties.The induction of individuals into the political culture; the process of learning the underlying beliefs and values on which the political system is based. Information, education, context, and social pressure all play a big role in influencing our opiAn attitude or view that is especially important to the individual holding it. A misguided view of this can cause huge problems especially to candidates running for office.An organized group of individuals or organizations that makes policy related appeals to government. The power of these groups should not be understated. Founders were concerned that they would limit the power of government, but Madison argued agianst medium Question 6 / 22 What is an Interest Group? Why are they important? An organized group of individuals or organizations that makes policy related appeals to government. The power of these groups should not be understated. Founders were concerned that they would limit the power of government, but Madison argued agianstA process by which citizens may petition to place a policy proposal on the ballot for public vote. This allows the people to govern directly bypassing the state legislatures and governor. An example would be 12% of the voters in CA in 2003. ImpeachedA shift in electoral support to the candidate whom public-opinion polls report as the front-runner. This shows heavy dependence on public opinion polls. If a candidate has high ratings then it will be easier to raise funds meaning more TV and ad timeThe act of launching a media campaign to build popular support. This is used by organizations to put pressure on politicians by stirring up public opinion. medium Question 7 / 22 What is an Australian Ballot? What differences did it make in the voting process? The act of launching a media campaign to build popular support. This is used by organizations to put pressure on politicians by stirring up public opinion.An attitude or view that is especially important to the individual holding it. A misguided view of this can cause huge problems especially to candidates running for office.An electoral format that presents the names of all the candidates for any given office on the same ballot. Introduced at the end of the 18th century, it replaced the partisan ballot and facilitated split-ticket voting. private voting. splits parties.An attempt by a group to influence the policy process through persuasion of government officials. $3billion/year industry in D. C. Mostly firms and corporations participate, many contradicting the others. hard Question 8 / 22 What is the bandwagon effect? What is its importance? An attempt by a group to influence the policy process through persuasion of government officials. $3billion/year industry in D. C. Mostly firms and corporations participate, many contradicting the others.An attitude or view that is especially important to the individual holding it. A misguided view of this can cause huge problems especially to candidates running for office.A process by which citizens may petition to place a policy proposal on the ballot for public vote. This allows the people to govern directly bypassing the state legislatures and governor. An example would be 12% of the voters in CA in 2003. ImpeachedA shift in electoral support to the candidate whom public-opinion polls report as the front-runner. This shows heavy dependence on public opinion polls. If a candidate has high ratings then it will be easier to raise funds meaning more TV and ad time hard Question 9 / 22 What is Initiative? Why is it important? An attempt by a group to influence the policy process through persuasion of government officials. $3billion/year industry in D. C. Mostly firms and corporations participate, many contradicting the others.An electoral format that presents the names of all the candidates for any given office on the same ballot. Introduced at the end of the 18th century, it replaced the partisan ballot and facilitated split-ticket voting. private voting. splits parties.A process by which citizens may petition to place a policy proposal on the ballot for public vote. This allows the people to govern directly bypassing the state legislatures and governor. An example would be 12% of the voters in CA in 2003. ImpeachedThe act of launching a media campaign to build popular support. This is used by organizations to put pressure on politicians by stirring up public opinion. medium Question 10 / 22 What does Going Public mean? Why is it important? The act of launching a media campaign to build popular support. This is used by organizations to put pressure on politicians by stirring up public opinion.An attempt by a group to influence the policy process through persuasion of government officials. $3billion/year industry in D. C. Mostly firms and corporations participate, many contradicting the others.An electoral format that presents the names of all the candidates for any given office on the same ballot. Introduced at the end of the 18th century, it replaced the partisan ballot and facilitated split-ticket voting. private voting. splits parties.The theory that all interests are and should be free to compete for influencing in the government. The outcome of this competition is compromise and moderation. Madisonian principle that assumes competition among interests will produce balance. medium Question 11 / 22 What is lobbying? Why is it important? The theory that all interests are and should be free to compete for influencing in the government. The outcome of this competition is compromise and moderation. Madisonian principle that assumes competition among interests will produce balance.An electoral format that presents the names of all the candidates for any given office on the same ballot. Introduced at the end of the 18th century, it replaced the partisan ballot and facilitated split-ticket voting. private voting. splits parties.An attempt by a group to influence the policy process through persuasion of government officials. $3billion/year industry in D. C. Mostly firms and corporations participate, many contradicting the others.The theory that all interests are and should be free to compete for influencing in the government. The outcome of this competition is compromise and moderation. Madisonian principle that assumes competition among interests will produce balance. medium Question 12 / 22 What is pluralism? Where did it come from? A poll in which respondents are selected at random from a list of 10 digit telephone numbers, with every effort made to avoid bias in the construction of the sample. Biases on who answers the phone, so they ask to talk to different people. Old styleAn FCC regulation giving individuals the right ot have the opportunity to respond to personal attacks made on a radio or TV broadcast. The FCC quit enforcing this in 1985 because of the difficulty in enforcing it. Likely to fix itself with competitioThe failure ot identify the true distribution of opinion within a population because of errors such as ambiguous or poorly worded questions. Wording questions differently can produce entirely different answers. consider figure 10. 2 about tax cuts/pgrThe theory that all interests are and should be free to compete for influencing in the government. The outcome of this competition is compromise and moderation. Madisonian principle that assumes competition among interests will produce balance. medium Question 13 / 22 What is the Fairness Doctrine? What is its importance? An FCC regulation giving individuals the right ot have the opportunity to respond to personal attacks made on a radio or TV broadcast. The FCC quit enforcing this in 1985 because of the difficulty in enforcing it. Likely to fix itself with competitioA poll in which respondents are selected at random from a list of 10 digit telephone numbers, with every effort made to avoid bias in the construction of the sample. Biases on who answers the phone, so they ask to talk to different people. Old styleThe presidential electors form each state who meet in their respective state capitals after the popular election to cast ballots for president and vice president. Ultimately they decide who wins. They can be swayed by popular opinion, and normally arThe failure ot identify the true distribution of opinion within a population because of errors such as ambiguous or poorly worded questions. Wording questions differently can produce entirely different answers. consider figure 10. 2 about tax cuts/pgr medium Question 14 / 22 What is Measurement Error? How does it happen? An FCC regulation giving individuals the right ot have the opportunity to respond to personal attacks made on a radio or TV broadcast. The FCC quit enforcing this in 1985 because of the difficulty in enforcing it. Likely to fix itself with competitioThe presidential electors form each state who meet in their respective state capitals after the popular election to cast ballots for president and vice president. Ultimately they decide who wins. They can be swayed by popular opinion, and normally arThe failure ot identify the true distribution of opinion within a population because of errors such as ambiguous or poorly worded questions. Wording questions differently can produce entirely different answers. consider figure 10. 2 about tax cuts/pgrA poll in which respondents are selected at random from a list of 10 digit telephone numbers, with every effort made to avoid bias in the construction of the sample. Biases on who answers the phone, so they ask to talk to different people. Old style medium Question 15 / 22 What is Random digit dialing? Importance? A poll in which respondents are selected at random from a list of 10 digit telephone numbers, with every effort made to avoid bias in the construction of the sample. Biases on who answers the phone, so they ask to talk to different people. Old styleThe failure ot identify the true distribution of opinion within a population because of errors such as ambiguous or poorly worded questions. Wording questions differently can produce entirely different answers. consider figure 10. 2 about tax cuts/pgrThe presidential electors form each state who meet in their respective state capitals after the popular election to cast ballots for president and vice president. Ultimately they decide who wins. They can be swayed by popular opinion, and normally arAn FCC regulation giving individuals the right ot have the opportunity to respond to personal attacks made on a radio or TV broadcast. The FCC quit enforcing this in 1985 because of the difficulty in enforcing it. Likely to fix itself with competitio medium Question 16 / 22 What is gerrymandering? What is the importance? The failure ot identify the true distribution of opinion within a population because of errors such as ambiguous or poorly worded questions. Wording questions differently can produce entirely different answers. consider figure 10. 2 about tax cuts/pgrAn FCC regulation giving individuals the right ot have the opportunity to respond to personal attacks made on a radio or TV broadcast. The FCC quit enforcing this in 1985 because of the difficulty in enforcing it. Likely to fix itself with competitioThe apportionment of voters in districts in such a way as to give unfair advantage to one political party. Depending on how you split this up candidates can win or lose. MS in 1812 came up with a very biased map of one to favor a govenoThe presidential electors form each state who meet in their respective state capitals after the popular election to cast ballots for president and vice president. Ultimately they decide who wins. They can be swayed by popular opinion, and normally ar medium Question 17 / 22 What is Referendum? Why is it important? The failure ot identify the true distribution of opinion within a population because of errors such as ambiguous or poorly worded questions. Wording questions differently can produce entirely different answers. consider figure 10. 2 about tax cuts/pgrA measure proposed or passed by a legislature that is referred to the vote of the electorate for approval or rejection. 24 states provide this, making citizens able to directly decide on laws and policies. happened in CA in 1995 about SS to illegalsThe apportionment of voters in districts in such a way as to give unfair advantage to one political party. Depending on how you split this up candidates can win or lose. MS in 1812 came up with a very biased map of one to favor a govenoAn FCC regulation giving individuals the right ot have the opportunity to respond to personal attacks made on a radio or TV broadcast. The FCC quit enforcing this in 1985 because of the difficulty in enforcing it. Likely to fix itself with competitio medium Question 18 / 22 What is recall? Why is it important? The presidential electors form each state who meet in their respective state capitals after the popular election to cast ballots for president and vice president. Ultimately they decide who wins. They can be swayed by popular opinion, and normally arThe removal of a public official by popular vote. Happened in CA in 2003 when the public kicked the governor out of office. Federal officials are not subject to this.The apportionment of voters in districts in such a way as to give unfair advantage to one political party. Depending on how you split this up candidates can win or lose. MS in 1812 came up with a very biased map of one to favor a govenoThe failure ot identify the true distribution of opinion within a population because of errors such as ambiguous or poorly worded questions. Wording questions differently can produce entirely different answers. consider figure 10. 2 about tax cuts/pgr medium Question 19 / 22 Electoral College importance? The presidential electors form each state who meet in their respective state capitals after the popular election to cast ballots for president and vice president. Ultimately they decide who wins. They can be swayed by popular opinion, and normally arThe removal of a public official by popular vote. Happened in CA in 2003 when the public kicked the governor out of office. Federal officials are not subject to this.A measure proposed or passed by a legislature that is referred to the vote of the electorate for approval or rejection. 24 states provide this, making citizens able to directly decide on laws and policies. happened in CA in 1995 about SS to illegalsThe apportionment of voters in districts in such a way as to give unfair advantage to one political party. Depending on how you split this up candidates can win or lose. MS in 1812 came up with a very biased map of one to favor a goveno medium Question 20 / 22 What are Political action committees? PACs. Why are they important? A private group that raises and distributes funds for use in election campaigns. It regulates how donors can give money to campaigns particularly presidential.The removal of a public official by popular vote. Happened in CA in 2003 when the public kicked the governor out of office. Federal officials are not subject to this.A measure proposed or passed by a legislature that is referred to the vote of the electorate for approval or rejection. 24 states provide this, making citizens able to directly decide on laws and policies. happened in CA in 1995 about SS to illegalsThe presidential electors form each state who meet in their respective state capitals after the popular election to cast ballots for president and vice president. Ultimately they decide who wins. They can be swayed by popular opinion, and normally ar medium Question 21 / 22 What is a political caucus? What do they do? A private group that raises and distributes funds for use in election campaigns. It regulates how donors can give money to campaigns particularly presidential.A normally closed meeting of a political or legislative group to select candidates, plan strategy, or make decisions regarding legislative matters. DNC and the RNC. Dem. and Rep. These & set up the parties at a nat. level. nominate candidatThe apportionment of voters in districts in such a way as to give unfair advantage to one political party. Depending on how you split this up candidates can win or lose. MS in 1812 came up with a very biased map of one to favor a govenoA measure proposed or passed by a legislature that is referred to the vote of the electorate for approval or rejection. 24 states provide this, making citizens able to directly decide on laws and policies. happened in CA in 1995 about SS to illegals medium Question 22 / 22 What is a party machine? What did they do? The presidential electors form each state who meet in their respective state capitals after the popular election to cast ballots for president and vice president. Ultimately they decide who wins. They can be swayed by popular opinion, and normally arA private group that raises and distributes funds for use in election campaigns. It regulates how donors can give money to campaigns particularly presidential.In the late 19th & early 20th centuries, a local party organization that controlled local politics through patronage and the nomination process. They were responsible for getting people to the polls and educating them about current candidates.The apportionment of voters in districts in such a way as to give unfair advantage to one political party. Depending on how you split this up candidates can win or lose. MS in 1812 came up with a very biased map of one to favor a goveno A mistake in this Quiz ? Contact the author The Mayflower JOB02 209 played - 16 yrs ago 2024 recap Julien 147 played - 1 mth ago Historical phrases Julien 90 played - 6 mths ago Unknown historical dates Julien 143 played - 7 mths ago The abolition of slavery Julien 112 played - 12 mths ago History - (1) Julien 139 played - 1 yr ago Queen Victoria 1st (1) Julien 154 played - 1 yr ago History of the world Julien 120 played - 1 yr ago Events of the Berlin Airlift Hxd0211 137 played - 11 yrs ago Churchill Celecita 138 played - 17 yrs ago