Classic Quiz
Quiz Sciences

Quiz Physiophsychology exam 4 part 1

0 played - 10 yrs ago

This quiz helps to prepare people for Physiphsychology Exam 4.


Question 1 / 30

Strong emotion turns on the... ?

Question 2 / 30

The James Lange Theory states that ________ and this theory was proven because of ___________?

Question 3 / 30

Can all emotions be localized? Is there one that stands out, if so, where in the brain?

Question 4 / 30

Differences between hemispheres of the brain regarding personality?

Question 5 / 30

What hormone is most related to violence? Which neurotransmitter?

Question 6 / 30

Violent crimes, committing suicide, depression are all linked to _______? the main source of this is _________?

Question 7 / 30

What is Tryptophan? Why is Phenylalanine a problem with this? 2 things highest in Phenylalanine?

Question 8 / 30

What area of our brain is in charge of pain, vision and hearing? What happened in the Kluver-Buesy experiment? What disease is related to this?

Question 9 / 30

What drugs are used for anxiety disorders? What do they do? Are they addicting?

Question 10 / 30

Short term stress triggers the _________ while long term stress activates _______ which activates ________?

Question 11 / 30

Three types of Leukocytes?

Question 12 / 30

What do B cells produce?

Question 13 / 30

Leukocytes secrete a small protein that tell the brain we are sick and activate our hypothalamus. What does this process do to our body? What can deplete leukocytes?

Question 14 / 30

What is the Engram and who searched for it?

Question 15 / 30

What two principles did the search for the Engram give us? Where did they find it?

Question 16 / 30

What are the 5 types of memory?

Question 17 / 30

What did scientists discover because of removing H. M. 's hippocampus? What type of amnesia did he have and what is the other type?

Question 18 / 30

Where is the greatest damage in Korsakoff's? Damaged is caused by? What can be a result of Korsakoff's?

Question 19 / 30

Alzheimer's patients still have their ________ memory. If you are over 85 you have a ____% chance of getting it. Cause? Treatment?

Question 20 / 30

Who was behind single cell aplesia? What responses did we have similar with the snail?

Question 21 / 30

What happens when we bombard with one neuron with rapid series of stimuli; the same type of information (Long Term Potentiaton)?

Question 22 / 30

The left hemisphere of our brain controls the right side of our body and vice versa. What are the two areas that are ipsilateral?

Question 23 / 30

What are the two major pathways that connect both sides of the brain? Who won a nobel prize for connecting one to epilepsy and creating the split brain cure?

Question 24 / 30

Picking up on emotions is to the right hemisphere as ________ is to the left.

Question 25 / 30

The strip of tissue in the temporal lobe present at birth that determines handedness is the _________? Right handed people use their left hemispheres while left handed people use ________?

Question 26 / 30

What are the two theories of language?

Question 27 / 30

When is the best time for a person to learn a second language? How many words on average do we know by kindergarten?

Question 28 / 30

Broca's area is to speech ________ as Wernicke's is to ________? If someone is deaf and damages Broca's area ________, if someone is deaf and damages Wernicke's ________?

Question 29 / 30

Dyslexia is caused by________. This can be improved by _______.

Question 30 / 30

What happens when people have Unilateral Neglect?

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