Classic Quiz Classic Quiz Josh's 6th Grade New Spain Quiz by Jpadgett Jpadgett 20 played - 9 yrs ago New Spain Quiz QUIZ 20 QUESTIONS hard medium Question 1 / 20 The Spanish needed workers. Who did they make into slaves? IndiansFrenchEnglishAmerican Indians medium Question 2 / 20 What is a conquistador? A governor in New SpainSpanish ship captainSpanish conqueror in the AmericasPart of the Spanish Monarchy medium Question 3 / 20 What happened to many of the slaves that the Spanish used? Died of hungerDied of overworkDied of diseases like measle, influenza, and smallpoxAll of the above expert Question 4 / 20 Why did more than one country sometimes claim a piece of land? Because an explorer had no way on knowing that another explorer had already claimed itBecause often the land was valuable and more than one country wanted itBecause the countries were at war with each otherAll of the above hard Question 5 / 20 What is a colony? Land ruled by a KingLand ruled by another countryA small village or settlementA religous settlement hard Question 6 / 20 What is a colonist? A person who owns land in a countryA slave who works for a land ownerAn explorer of new landsPeople who go to live in a colony medium Question 7 / 20 What is the importance of Bartolome de las Casas? He was the first slave owner in New SpainHe worked to improve the treatment of American Indian slavesHe founded the first colony in New SpainHe worked to establish missions in New Spain hard Question 8 / 20 What happened in 1550 that affected New Spain? The first colony of New Spain was foundedThe first plantation began using slavesThe king ordered that the Spanish could no longer enslave the American IndiansThe first mission was founded hard Question 9 / 20 What did Bartolome de las Casas do (or say) that he later regretted? To abolish slaveryThat the Spanish should do their own workThat the French should do the work on the plantationsHe said that Africans should be used to do the work that the American Indians were doing hard Question 10 / 20 What was the first permanent European settlement of what is now the U.S.? St. Louis, MissouriSt. Augustine, FloridaJamestownSt. Augusta, Florida expert Question 11 / 20 What is Castillo de San Marcos? The first mission built in New SpainA small fort, built in 1 year, to shield settlersA presidio made out of stone, that took 23 years, and used to protect settlersThe first Spanish settlement in New Spain hard Question 12 / 20 What Indian tribe traded with the Spanish colonists? The PowhatonThe PueblosThe SiouxThe Apache hard Question 13 / 20 How did horses arrive in the settlements? The settlers discovered wild horses in the South and moved them NorthThe settlers brought them to New SpainThey came across the land bridge between Russia and AlaskaThe slaves brought them hard Question 14 / 20 What is a hacienda? A small religious settlementA small homeA fortA large estate where ranchers raised livestock like cattle and sheep hard Question 15 / 20 What is a mission? A small religious settlementA small homeA fortA large estate where ranchers raised livestock like cattle and sheep medium Question 16 / 20 Why did missions appear in the Spanish settlements? They wanted to protect their settlementsBecause they wanted to practice their Catholic faithBecause they wanted to convert the local people to the Catholic faithBecause they wanted to raise livestock hard Question 17 / 20 What is Nombre de Dios? The first permanent settlement in New SpainThe first mission in New SpainThe leader of a missionA conquistador expert Question 18 / 20 What is El Camino Real? The Royal Road, used only when Royal people traveled in New SpainA river that ran through FloridaA hacienda with real animalsA road system linking missions to presidios. expert Question 19 / 20 Were haciendas in New Spain self-sufficient? YesNoNeverMaybe expert Question 20 / 20 What was the area just North of New Spain called? USABorderlandsNew EnglandNew France A mistake in this Quiz ? Contact the author 2024 recap Julien 148 played - 2 mths ago Unknown historical dates Julien 143 played - 8 mths ago The abolition of slavery Julien 112 played - 1 yr ago History of the world Julien 120 played - 1 yr ago Events of the Berlin Airlift Hxd0211 137 played - 11 yrs ago The Mayflower JOB02 209 played - 16 yrs ago Churchill Celecita 138 played - 17 yrs ago