Classic Quiz
Quiz General knowledge

Quiz How do you say... In French ?

2 136 played - 17 yrs ago

Are you a big boss in the French language ?


Results of 249 members
151th  MokaCroiss…
 100% (67s)
152th  Maltesse
 100% (72s)
153th  Jordan
 100% (72s)
154th  NouNou10
 100% (73s)
155th  Variosaul
 100% (84s)
156th  Oiseautopie
 100% (89s)
157th  FadiBou
 100% (94s)
158th  Azeb
 100% (94s)
159th  95350
 100% (105s)
160th  Lynnenewbury
 100% (131s)
161th  Paigelol
 100% (152s)
 100% (395s)
163th  Kniza56
 100% (421s)
164th  Anthelme15
165th  Val080
166th  Poseidonth…
167th  Summer
168th  Pristie
169th  Sarah718
170th  Cupidia
171th  Cholera
172th  Yaya4real
173th  Cage325
174th  BlackButte…
175th  Lirva
 80% (9s)
176th  -ese-
 80% (12s)
177th  Kelalj
 80% (14s)
178th  Torak
 80% (15s)
179th  Harmocakou
 80% (16s)
180th  Jigsadiks
 80% (17s)
181th  AnnyB
 80% (17s)
182th  LaGrandeEt…
 80% (18s)
183th  Romanor
 80% (19s)
184th  Woodesther
 80% (19s)
185th  Lgg
 80% (20s)
186th  Strawberry2
 80% (20s)
187th  RSyed
 80% (21s)
188th  Jlsunfay
 80% (21s)
189th  Benjamin1630
 80% (23s)
190th  Bishou
 80% (24s)
191th  Sadik
 80% (25s)
192th  Favourtimmi
 80% (28s)
193th  Foreveramm…
 80% (29s)
194th  Goku10
 80% (29s)
195th  Reaksmey38
 80% (29s)
196th  LiverpoolA…
 80% (30s)
197th  Vishesh
 80% (32s)
198th  Plaisirs
 80% (32s)
199th  Swaliha
 80% (32s)
200th  Brihaspati
 80% (33s)
201th  Britneyabe…
 80% (33s)
202th  Emmagh
 80% (45s)
203th  Fredathepl…
 80% (46s)
204th  ThomasRules
 80% (48s)
205th  Messi2
 80% (50s)
206th  FunnyBass
 80% (51s)
207th  Houda05
 80% (52s)
208th  1101
 80% (52s)
209th  Dalberto
 80% (56s)
210th  Sissey
 80% (56s)
211th  Fung
 80% (57s)
212th  Hayien
 80% (58s)
213th  Pabloisri
 80% (107s)
214th  Assirem
 80% (125s)
215th  Mohamedou
 80% (134s)
216th  Vivie77
217th  Legend1
 60% (19s)
218th  Mercyc
 60% (30s)
219th  ZarniAung
 60% (31s)
220th  Chahetha
 60% (34s)
221th  AudreyKthln
 60% (35s)
222th  Kittkat
 60% (38s)
223th  SirleyLewis
 60% (43s)
224th  Ibrahkid
 60% (45s)
225th  XGoodLuckx
 60% (60s)
226th  Chintya
 60% (61s)
227th  Ashutoshmi…
 60% (63s)
228th  Babyblush
 60% (66s)
229th  Hassan81
 60% (84s)
230th  Hadeel
 60% (137s)
231th  50-cent
 60% (191s)
232th  Micali
233th  Jessiegurl
234th  132827.m
 40% (13s)
235th  Nisharashid
 40% (18s)
236th  Rajukarra
 40% (21s)
237th  MissVickyA…
 40% (24s)
 40% (26s)
239th  Qcumbrz
 40% (26s)
240th  Raju
 40% (27s)
241th  DogLove
 40% (28s)
242th  AlenAragon
 40% (55s)
243th  Pavithra
 40% (204s)
244th  QPbmCRVM
 40% (333s)
245th  Dipoun
246th  Julien
247th  Pyaephyoethu
 20% (17s)
248th  Abhilash
 20% (42s)
249th  Bobtt