Classic Quiz
Quiz Geography

Quiz European Capitals

2 720 played - 17 yrs ago

Find the capital of each european country


Results of 295 members
151th  Tiwadoo
 100% (178s)
152th  Ankur
 100% (182s)
153th  Elfygil
 100% (206s)
 100% (263s)
155th  Kevinma78
 100% (271s)
 100% (444s)
157th  Namma
 100% (464s)
158th  Cholera
159th  Veriwell
160th  BlackButte…
161th  Julienlag
 90% (13s)
162th  Art28
 90% (16s)
163th  Ballbasher
 90% (20s)
164th  Keke33000bis
 90% (23s)
165th  Lammon
 90% (23s)
166th  Marten
 90% (24s)
167th  Brayan1989
 90% (25s)
168th  FRANCO56
 90% (25s)
169th  Ojb38s
 90% (28s)
170th  Ob1948
 90% (29s)
171th  Mercyc
 90% (30s)
172th  Christineg…
 90% (30s)
173th  Millwall123
 90% (30s)
174th  Pl4yb0y
 90% (30s)
175th  RSyed
 90% (31s)
176th  Padfootfir…
 90% (31s)
177th  EnriqueG-L
 90% (32s)
178th  Chichotim
 90% (32s)
179th  Jo68200
 90% (32s)
180th  You73
 90% (33s)
181th  Salamone25
 90% (33s)
182th  Purpel
 90% (34s)
183th  15082007
 90% (34s)
184th  Amaterasu98
 90% (35s)
185th  Sriramviru
 90% (35s)
186th  IronMine
 90% (35s)
187th  Legend1
 90% (36s)
188th  Sasuke98
 90% (36s)
189th  Strate
 90% (36s)
190th  Robwilfos
 90% (36s)
191th  Oletom
 90% (39s)
192th  B0zZy-4S
 90% (39s)
193th  Shiv3005
 90% (40s)
194th  Garbolipo
 90% (40s)
195th  Dance21
 90% (40s)
196th  Linade
 90% (40s)
197th  Aspasie
 90% (42s)
198th  Ranak18
 90% (42s)
199th  Piet.cpt
 90% (44s)
200th  LIGY
 90% (45s)
201th  XEmma08
 90% (45s)
202th  Crambresna
 90% (45s)
203th  Dan30340
 90% (45s)
204th  Benjamin1630
 90% (48s)
205th  Wouter1
 90% (48s)
206th  Brit-brit
 90% (48s)
207th  Perroazul
 90% (49s)
208th  Pavel666
 90% (50s)
209th  Percy59
 90% (51s)
210th  Laetitiamm…
 90% (51s)
211th  Alystyle
 90% (52s)
212th  Dashel17
 90% (52s)
213th  Simy32
 90% (53s)
214th  Mohsinevic
 90% (53s)
215th  Aulus
 90% (57s)
216th  ABRTT23
 90% (57s)
217th  50-cent
 90% (58s)
218th  AlexeyTomsk
 90% (59s)
219th  Falafal
 90% (60s)
220th  Iminguendo
 90% (63s)
221th  Hritik1414
 90% (67s)
222th  Ponmani
 90% (67s)
223th  Looopy
 90% (70s)
224th  Ereg
 90% (81s)
225th  Norbert100
 90% (87s)
226th  Bawan18
 90% (90s)
227th  Aymen174
 90% (95s)
228th  Anilkumar
 90% (99s)
229th  Oiseautopie
 90% (105s)
230th  Yoonners
 90% (122s)
231th  Cupidia
232th  Summer
233th  Kyoumei
 80% (7s)
234th  Alxalex07
 80% (24s)
235th  RuigutiNY
 80% (26s)
236th  Dcccmmc
 80% (31s)
237th  Antho7119
 80% (38s)
238th  Devanaraya…
 80% (41s)
239th  Obecat
 80% (43s)
240th  Yaya28
 80% (45s)
241th  Gersonmamb…
 80% (46s)
242th  Harmony555
 80% (46s)
243th  Soso17
 80% (47s)
244th  KareemAbde…
 80% (50s)
245th  Lallous1
 80% (51s)
246th  Jessicadesou
 80% (54s)
247th  YvanahM
 80% (57s)
248th  Versacejacky
 80% (58s)
249th  Ravi
 80% (63s)
250th  Abhishek
 80% (68s)
251th  Meroko108
 80% (70s)
 80% (79s)
253th  Dobolisateur
 80% (80s)
254th  Imane1234
 80% (85s)
255th  Hydee
 80% (89s)
256th  Paulfrancisc
 80% (96s)
257th  Adyaksa
 80% (168s)
258th  Mama241
 80% (175s)
259th  WASSEM
260th  Sweetvanille
261th  Koidera
262th  Vaness997
263th  Am172
 70% (30s)
264th  Jadalia
 70% (33s)
265th  Sosogirl
 70% (38s)
266th  Ninelions
 70% (40s)
267th  AnnyB
 70% (43s)
268th  Bishou
 70% (43s)
269th  Thomasoche…
 70% (48s)
270th  Lau97
 70% (48s)
271th  Mymiquiz
 70% (49s)
272th  Zahrani
 70% (53s)
273th  Najoul
 70% (60s)
274th  Thartharis
 70% (68s)
275th  Nadyaa
 70% (72s)
276th  Vignesh
 70% (73s)
277th  Dumahmud
 70% (77s)
278th  David366
 70% (80s)
279th  Rosella
 70% (87s)
280th  Tarlaimelda
 70% (133s)
281th  Mohmmed
 70% (138s)
282th  Manhchip
 70% (159s)
283th  Jgndrsn
 60% (43s)
284th  Lilymay2000
 60% (43s)
285th  209571
 60% (71s)
286th  Euss
 60% (72s)
287th  Bshaeyr1111
 60% (120s)
288th  Bree2003
 50% (25s)
289th  KWP
 50% (72s)
 50% (77s)
291th  Ibrahkid
 50% (82s)
292th  ZarniAung
 50% (82s)
293th  Ashutoshmi…
 50% (90s)
294th  Hotmaw
 30% (29s)
295th  Faylens
 20% (55s)