Classic Quiz
Quiz Geography

Quiz African Flags

2 051 played - 17 yrs ago

These flags belong to which countries in Africa ?


Results of 94 members
1st  T4XI
 100% (20s)
2nd  Art28
 100% (24s)
3rd  GregCorali…
 100% (26s)
4th  Clementm59
 100% (28s)
5th  Witto39
 100% (28s)
6th  Eye
 100% (32s)
7th  Ouji
 100% (34s)
8th  Ballbasher
 100% (35s)
9th  Ojb38s
 100% (36s)
10th  Julianthew…
 100% (38s)
11th  Yas12
 100% (40s)
12th  MartinDW3
 100% (42s)
13th  Goku10
 100% (43s)
14th  Sasuke98
 100% (43s)
15th  Mairou
 100% (44s)
16th  Maxigills
 100% (46s)
17th  Mrknight15
 100% (46s)
18th  Snowleopar…
 100% (47s)
19th  Jo68200
 100% (48s)
20th  Emre0
 100% (51s)
21th  POOPYMAN24
 100% (51s)
22th  Millwall123
 100% (51s)
23th  Glutzenbaum
 100% (53s)
24th  Graeme
 100% (53s)
25th  DaveMario
 100% (59s)
26th  Mattis1212
 100% (65s)
27th  Manchester…
 100% (66s)
28th  Zara1234
 100% (72s)
29th  Lefkada
 100% (72s)
30th  Mukarram.a…
 100% (76s)
31th  Jigsadiks
 100% (77s)
32th  Zigeitor11
 100% (78s)
33th  Jackandella
 100% (81s)
34th  MohamedMarie
 100% (83s)
35th  MalSur
 100% (86s)
36th  Dobolisateur
 100% (98s)
37th  Bshaeyr1111
 100% (100s)
38th  Yassine00
 100% (108s)
39th  Jojo59240
 100% (112s)
40th  Maheshtk89
 100% (273s)
41th  Sabiine
 100% (335s)
42th  Srinath
 100% (479s)
 100% (663s)
44th  Bermudas
 100% (794s)
45th  Clickeur
 94% (25s)
46th  EdRobbins
 94% (42s)
47th  Bk77
 94% (56s)
48th  Kaaris94zoo
 94% (71s)
49th  Ospreys85
 94% (83s)
50th  Nadyaa
 94% (84s)
51th  Ermion
 94% (93s)
52th  Mama241
 94% (109s)
53th  Hadiza
 94% (119s)
54th  Sriramviru
 94% (212s)
55th  Donmoore
56th  Girlygirls1
 88% (42s)
57th  Mymiquiz
 88% (47s)
58th  Manafis
 88% (64s)
59th  Wouter1
 88% (68s)
60th  Phigau
 88% (71s)
61th  Ibrahkid
 88% (73s)
62th  Devanaraya…
 88% (80s)
63th  Dolphin
64th  Jadalia
 81% (39s)
65th  Yiyu
 81% (45s)
66th  NesnousB
 81% (67s)
67th  Cocotteo
 81% (94s)
68th  AaronAb
 81% (95s)
69th  Thrudon
 75% (30s)
70th  SoyJessica
 75% (38s)
71th  SerrgentPUG
 75% (66s)
72th  Cragy
 75% (66s)
73th  Novavida13
 75% (79s)
74th  Faso1234
 75% (84s)
75th  Vibe256
 69% (42s)
76th  Vamsi
 69% (51s)
77th  Menonishant
 69% (53s)
78th  WASSEM
 69% (63s)
79th  Nastanton
 69% (82s)
80th  AbdulJ123
 69% (92s)
81th  Pabloisri
 69% (124s)
82th  Cupidia
83th  JOB02
 63% (69s)
84th  50-cent
 56% (225s)
85th  Anissovich
 56% (444s)
86th  Emi5
 50% (48s)
87th  KWP
 50% (66s)
88th  RireFou
 50% (73s)
89th  ZarniAung
 50% (150s)
90th  You73
 44% (33s)
91th  Onciul
 38% (98s)
92th  Adele722
 38% (100s)
93th  Neeru
 25% (32s)
94th  Adalizu
 13% (32s)