Classic Quiz
Quiz General knowledge

Quiz English and french

310 played - 13 yrs ago

It's just an easy quizz to see if you can pass easely from engish to french and french to english. You have to translate.
c'est juste un petit quizz facile pour voir si vous pouvez passer de l'anglais au français et l'inverse sans problème Il faut traduire.


Results of 73 members
1st  Pilounet
 100% (14s)
2nd  Calamityjane
 100% (16s)
3rd  Ground-worms
 100% (25s)
4th  Lirva
 100% (27s)
5th  Eye
 100% (27s)
6th  SoyJessica
 100% (27s)
7th  Kyoshiro
 100% (28s)
8th  Tintin6
 100% (28s)
9th  Pomelko123
 100% (30s)
10th  Soph080
 100% (31s)
11th  Yo-kai.Kom…
 100% (32s)
12th  Garry02234
 100% (33s)
13th  Jojolepirate
 100% (33s)
14th  Astro-suisse
 100% (34s)
15th  T4XI
 100% (36s)
16th  Misshp2006
 100% (37s)
17th  Zombiehors…
 100% (42s)
18th  Mira1
 100% (42s)
19th  Swasti4757
 100% (43s)
20th  Xavwill
 100% (43s)
21th  Goku10
 100% (50s)
22th  GomuGomu
 100% (54s)
23th  Reaksmey38
 100% (54s)
24th  Amandak
 100% (55s)
25th  Aidadarco
 100% (72s)
26th  AyouV
 100% (77s)
27th  Zinedine13
 100% (79s)
28th  Houda05
 100% (93s)
29th  Erda3
 100% (113s)
30th  NouNou10
 100% (113s)
31th  EyesOfTheT…
 90% (14s)
32th  LumicPlanet
 90% (26s)
33th  Ob1948
 90% (30s)
34th  PleinedeMa…
 90% (31s)
35th  Mia
 90% (32s)
36th  AppleLily
 90% (35s)
37th  Thrudon
 90% (37s)
38th  Violettast…
 90% (39s)
39th  Ouji
 90% (39s)
40th  Cenacrain2
 90% (40s)
41th  YoshiOffic…
 90% (42s)
42th  CrazyGeekMan
 90% (44s)
43th  Emilie.clrt
 90% (46s)
44th  NesnousB
 90% (47s)
45th  Melany13
 90% (49s)
46th  Rew850
 90% (51s)
47th  Paulo4343
 90% (61s)
48th  InzoDog
 90% (67s)
49th  Amostorbeck
 90% (100s)
50th  Dalberto
 90% (118s)
51th  Divjain
 90% (139s)
52th  Luckyfred
 90% (152s)
53th  Fabyenne
 90% (874s)
54th  Guysmow
 80% (31s)
55th  Emi5
 80% (46s)
56th  Lyssandra
 80% (65s)
57th  Raphaelus62
 80% (75s)
58th  Robertoson
 80% (97s)
59th  Pediat
 80% (97s)
60th  Flavieviev…
 80% (111s)
61th  Evastarger…
 80% (671s)
62th  Clemaurois
 70% (29s)
63th  Besanthile
 70% (30s)
64th  A.sor974
 70% (31s)
65th  Harmony555
 70% (39s)
66th  Nathanaelk
 70% (56s)
67th  Laiba
 70% (94s)
68th  Lea1005
 60% (62s)
69th  Foreveramm…
 60% (95s)
70th  Babyblush
71th  Toto636363…
 50% (30s)
72th  MissVickyA…
 50% (83s)
73th  Favourtimmi
 30% (71s)