Classic Quiz
Quiz Cinema, movies

Quiz Harry Potter

2 109 played - 16 yrs ago

Questions about the world of Harry ... .


Results of 126 members
1st  Blackstar
 100% (7s)
2nd  YAWP
 100% (8s)
3rd  LumicPlanet
 100% (13s)
4th  Lillie
 100% (13s)
5th  Rew850
 100% (14s)
6th  Moose1
 100% (14s)
7th  Sierra2000
 100% (16s)
8th  Torak
 100% (16s)
9th  Kousei
 100% (17s)
10th  Thrudon
 100% (19s)
11th  Jakanddaxter
 100% (19s)
12th  Jimbopbop
 100% (19s)
13th  Wsj
 100% (19s)
14th  MartinDW3
 100% (20s)
15th  Glutzenbaum
 100% (20s)
16th  Clementm59
 100% (20s)
17th  Lorispisanu
 100% (20s)
18th  Lucas211097
 100% (22s)
19th  Jigsadiks
 100% (22s)
20th  Justinlefan
 100% (22s)
21th  Micipsa
 100% (24s)
22th  Hit86
 100% (24s)
23th  Yiyu
 100% (24s)
24th  Sophisto
 100% (24s)
25th  Titecarlota
 100% (25s)
26th  Sds22
 100% (25s)
27th  Aliicya2
 100% (25s)
28th  Manchester…
 100% (26s)
29th  Joshuadarl…
 100% (26s)
30th  Ccbjr
 100% (26s)
31th  Lillythomp…
 100% (26s)
32th  Ratonlaveurt
 100% (26s)
33th  Thomasoche…
 100% (27s)
34th  QueenKitten1
 100% (27s)
35th  Jamlova
 100% (28s)
36th  Andreanne14
 100% (29s)
37th  Anpail
 100% (29s)
38th  Camouiille
 100% (31s)
39th  Azalee
 100% (32s)
40th  BellatrixH…
 100% (32s)
41th  Brooklyne
 100% (33s)
42th  Fehmin
 100% (34s)
43th  Londongirl
 100% (34s)
44th  Nikhil4v
 100% (37s)
45th  Peachychick
 100% (37s)
46th  Ground-worms
 100% (37s)
47th  Kathe231
 100% (38s)
48th  Arnica
 100% (39s)
49th  JOB02
 100% (39s)
50th  Xav38
 100% (40s)
51th  Toto636363…
 100% (40s)
 100% (45s)
53th  Watson1910
 100% (46s)
54th  Mary818
 100% (49s)
55th  Am172
 100% (52s)
56th  Pabloisri
 100% (57s)
57th  XmitchX
 100% (59s)
58th  Mlucas333
 100% (71s)
59th  Gwen-hp
 100% (71s)
60th  Kevinsoodin
 100% (95s)
61th  Elizabith
 100% (155s)
 100% (343s)
63th  Pristie
64th  Good
65th  P.Louis
 80% (6s)
66th  Cenacrain2
 80% (8s)
67th  Misshp2006
 80% (11s)
68th  T4XI
 80% (11s)
69th  Amit2407
 80% (12s)
70th  Eye
 80% (13s)
71th  Srikanth
 80% (14s)
72th  Mira1
 80% (15s)
73th  Lionobsess…
 80% (18s)
74th  Aurea55
 80% (18s)
75th  Nunuelle
 80% (19s)
76th  Minerva-Mc…
 80% (20s)
77th  Mily28
 80% (21s)
78th  Totodu4
 80% (22s)
79th  Weird2.0
 80% (23s)
80th  Miss-morga…
 80% (26s)
81th  ThomasDohe…
 80% (26s)
82th  Monty2624505
 80% (28s)
83th  Yaya28
 80% (29s)
84th  Bellaswan307
 80% (29s)
85th  Srinath
 80% (31s)
86th  Ob1948
 80% (31s)
87th  Catlover86
 80% (32s)
88th  Saltimbanque
 80% (32s)
89th  Llamasarel…
 80% (34s)
90th  Quizqueen24
 80% (35s)
91th  BrookeTimm…
 80% (36s)
92th  XxElenaxX
 80% (37s)
93th  Joshy1212
 80% (38s)
94th  NesnousB
 80% (39s)
95th  Anna103Dar…
 80% (39s)
96th  Elyssaky
 80% (46s)
97th  CrazyGeekMan
 80% (50s)
98th  Bappy0365
 80% (54s)
99th  AlenAragon
 80% (54s)
100th  Hassan81
 80% (58s)
101th  JokeRed
 80% (62s)
102th  Seasous
 80% (65s)
103th  Soso17
 80% (70s)
104th  AudreyKthln
 80% (72s)
105th  Anugrah
 80% (91s)
106th  Cieput
 80% (103s)
107th  Alxs200
 80% (167s)
108th  Harry.pott…
 80% (353s)
109th  Alioth
 60% (13s)
110th  Etoilebleu01
 60% (14s)
111th  Iamginny
 60% (15s)
112th  AppleLily
 60% (19s)
113th  Clemment2.0
 60% (21s)
114th  Shiza
 60% (22s)
115th  Sabiine
 60% (33s)
 60% (38s)
117th  Hollyrivera
 60% (39s)
118th  Maxium21
 60% (45s)
119th  Ebonyrose123
 60% (47s)
120th  Sol04
 60% (47s)
121th  Ryan243
 60% (51s)
122th  Sriramviru
 60% (56s)
123th  Littlealic…
 60% (94s)
124th  Cholera
125th  XxMyuxX
 40% (51s)
126th  Capricieus…
 40% (99s)