Some countries of the world2 played - 1 yr ago
You will have to recognize, with or without the help of a photo, which country it is by its emblem, one of its symbols, its… easy
Some countries of the world2 played - 1 yr ago
You will have to recognize, with or without the help of a photo, which country it is by its emblem, one of its symbols, its… easy
Levels of access - 215 played - 13 yrs ago
Business Communication and Technology Senior Syllabus 2008 - Queensland Australia Topic 4 -Managing workplace information hard
Wrong maps14 played - 10 yrs ago
There are a lot of maps with false informations... Do you know the right informations ? expert
Let's know something about Turkey41 played - 6 yrs ago
Teenagers in Europe, cultural similarities and differences. Project September activity : how much do we know about each other? medium
Oceania and Africa12 played - 14 yrs ago
Do you think you know all about Oceania and Africa? Test you knowledge! hard
African Adventures12 played - 10 yrs ago
Take an educational trek through the plains of Africa. hard
Populations of European Union countries138 played - 16 yrs ago
Find the number of people from different countries of the union. hard