Flags that look alike (3)131 played - 13 days ago
I give you a country, it's up to you to find its flag. expert
Flags that look alike (3)131 played - 13 days ago
I give you a country, it's up to you to find its flag. expert
Flags that look alike (1)102 played - 15 days ago
I'll give you a country to click on its flag. expert
Flags that look alike (2)85 played - 20 days ago
I give you a country, it's up to you to find its flag. expert
Similar flags, common references (2/5)135 played - 1 yr ago
Some countries, more or less close, have common cultural references that are reflected in their flags. With their St. Olaf… expert
Flags of the world121 played - 1 yr ago
A little tour of the world's flags, would you recognize them all? expert