America's capitals111 played - 1 yr ago
Let's continue with the capitals of North and South America. expert
Countries and cities111 played - 1 yr ago
I'll give you the name of a country, and it's up to you to find the city that goes with it. expert
A walk in the USA - The Empire State Building!111 played - 1 yr ago
A great New York City landmark. Good luck! expert
What are the names of the inhabitants of these countries?111 played - 1 yr ago
A little trip around the world... expert
Country flags and capitals111 played - 1 yr ago
If you know the flags and capitals of the world, take this quiz. expert
The United States110 played - 1 yr ago
Test your knowledge of this country, these monuments, these cities... expert
Can you locate these towns? (2932)110 played - 1 yr ago
In which region or department are the following 10 communes located? expert
World capitals110 played - 1 yr ago
Quiz on the capitals of the world. Watch out for the traps... expert
Capitals of the world110 played - 1 yr ago
Twenty capitals of the world. Repetitive quiz for fans of capital quizzes. expert