Country flags78 played - 1 yr ago
Here's a quiz where you'll have to recognize the flags and sometimes find the capitals of these countries. expert
Country flags78 played - 1 yr ago
Here's a quiz where you'll have to recognize the flags and sometimes find the capitals of these countries. expert
Countries with only one border59 played - 10 yrs ago
Some countries of the World have particularity to share their borders with only one other country. Challenge your knowledge… hard
Southern Africa Capitals1.1 k played - 17 yrs ago
Twelve southern african countries and their capitals medium
The 'trap' capitals66 played - 1 yr ago
Some countries have political capitals whose economic activity or demography does not correspond to the idea of a capital.… expert
Northern Africa Capitals26 played - 10 yrs ago
This is a quiz to learn the 11 capitals of North African Countries. medium