What is the capital?69 played - 1 yr ago
A little quiz on the capitals of small and unknown countries. expert
Flags and capitals (Europe -1 )68 played - 1 yr ago
Find the capital from the flag of the country represented. expert
All's well! (countries)67 played - 10 mths ago
A 10-question quiz on countries, seas and oceans... Put some waves in the background, and you'll get a taste of the vacations! expert
Countries of the world67 played - 1 mth ago
Match the country's shape with its flag as quickly as possible, and vice versa. Have fun! expert
Flags66 played - 1 yr ago
Do you know the flags of different countries? It's up to you to find out! expert
Countries: north or south hemisphere?65 played - 11 mths ago
Locate a country in the northern hemisphere, the southern hemisphere or straddling both. expert
European Union capitals (1)64 played - 1 yr ago
Do you know the capitals of the various EU member countries? expert