A flag for every country!63 played - 1 yr ago
Match each flag with its corresponding country! expert
Flags of the world (10)63 played - 11 mths ago
Flags on the countries of the world. I would like to remind you that I never remake a flag that I have already made. expert
Index flag = other country (2)62 played - 1 yr ago
Here again, I give you the flag of one country and one or more clues. The aim is to find the name of another country, which… expert
Flags of the world62 played - 11 mths ago
A quiz on the flags of well-known and lesser-known countries. expert
Cities, capitals and countries61 played - 1 yr ago
Are you really talented on cities and capitals? expert
10 random flags (10)61 played - 1 yr ago
10th issue, good luck to you PS: I use a country generator. It's not impossible that you'll find countries from this quiz… expert
Mali made easy (1)60 played - 1 yr ago
There are no traps, I've made this quiz to get to know a little more about this magnificent country, where the people are… expert
Capital or not? 260 played - 1 yr ago
I'll quote you a city: it's up to you to find out whether it's the capital of a country or not. expert
What do you know about France?59 played - 9 yrs ago
Hi! What do you think about a quizz based on the French culture and the country? medium
Countries with only one land border59 played - 10 mths ago
10 questions about countries with only one direct neighbor. Good luck! expert