U.S. state capitals103 played - 1 yr ago
I'll give you the name of the capital and you have to find its state. expert
U.S. state capitals103 played - 1 yr ago
I'll give you the name of the capital and you have to find its state. expert
Big cities in America99 played - 8 mths ago
I'd like to take you on a tour of the biggest cities on the American continent. expert
Objectif BAC S - The American continent: between tensions and regional integration (8)96 played - 1 yr ago
What do you know about this geography chapter? Good luck! expert
Capitals of the United States: think you know them?89 played - 1 yr ago
What is the capital of this state? Choose between the two proposals. expert
U.S. state capitals83 played - 1 yr ago
For a change, how about finding the names of the capital cities of the United States? expert
The capitals of the American continent82 played - 1 yr ago
Quiz on the capitals of the American continent. expert
Geography of English-speaking countries82 played - 1 yr ago
Here are some questions about the geography of the different countries where English is spoken. expert